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PRF (Platelet-Rich Fibrin) Technology

PRF (Platelet-Rich Fibrin) is a technology based on activating the patient’s platelets to promote tissue regeneration and accelerate wound healing. This technology encourages the body to utilize its own resources without any side effects. It contains a plethora of growth factors and cells that stimulate the healing of both hard and soft tissues, promoting angiogenesis and enhancing the flow of nutritive and healing factors to the grafted area.

PRF membrane can be mixed with bone graft material to enhance cell adhesion on bio-materials or on the titanium surface of dental implants.

With liquid PRF, it is possible to create cohesion between the particles of the graft material to form a coherent, compact mass, commonly referred to as “sticky-bone,” which facilitates the placement and stability of the grafts.

In dentistry, PRF is effectively used for:

  • Sinus lifting and ridge regeneration
  • Soft tissue grafts
  • Periodontal treatments
  • Preservation of extraction sockets for future implant placement
  • Improving the healing of extraction sites.